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Your Oral Health During Pregnancy

Your Oral Health During Pregnancy
BY Cosmetic Dentistry of Hayward

Hayward CA Cosmetic Dentistry

It is no secret that pregnancy involves a surge of hormones that create numerous changes within a woman’s body. While a growing belly, heightened cravings and heartburn are well known physical changes, there are also changes that occur within your mouth. In fact, gum disease becomes a serious concern during pregnancy. If left alone, periodontal disease not only leads to tooth loss, but it can cause preterm birth and other complications for your baby. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent gum disease in moms-to-be.

During pregnancy, the surge of estrogen and progesterone cause the gums to respond differently (and more intensely) to plaque. This leads to inflammation, redness and bleeding within the gums, also called “pregnancy gingivitis.” Women should be on the lookout for gingivitis warning signs beginning around the second month of pregnancy.

While morning sickness and frequent sugar cravings can be an obstacle to your oral hygiene routine, it is imperative that you maintain diligent brushing and flossing habits throughout your pregnancy. This is your best weapon against gum disease and its detrimental effects for you and your unborn child.

Attending your routine dental appointments is also very important. We know that you’ve likely got a lot of extra appointments on the calendar with your obstetrician, but don’t neglect your dentist. Routine dental exams and cleanings are absolutely safe during pregnancy. However, any necessary dental treatments are best to schedule between the fourth and sixth months, and x-rays should be reserved for an emergency. When it comes to elective dental procedures or treating a non-urgent issue, it is typically recommended that you postpone it until after delivery.

At Cosmetic Dentistry of Hayward, we are aware of the unique oral health issues that women face during pregnancy. We are also equipped to keep you comfortable and relaxed during your visit. For the sake of your smile and your baby’s health, schedule that six-month dental cleaning and closely monitor signs of pregnancy gingivitis.

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